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I’ve wanted to do this trail in one day for over 25 years. The person who got me into backpacking when I was in my teens did it in the mid 90s. His goal was sub-24 hours. He did it. It was rad and...
View ArticleHeaven or Hell? Same fucking place!
I could tell you about a place. A place that is as good as any fantasy you conjured up as a child while listening to fairy tales about magical places. A place that elicits screeches of joy from people...
View ArticleBuilding out the Surly Bill Trailer aka Cargo Maximus
Prelogue I purchased Bill several years ago. Being a white, heteronormative male in America, I have the privilege of giving up things. And part of that privilege also means that, almost without fail,...
View ArticleFKT: Getting lost in my head on the Summit Trail Traverse
Math. That’s right. Math. I don’t know why and I certainly couldn’t tell you when it started, but any time I am doing something hard, I end up doing math in my head. I’m about 12 minutes in. My watch...
View ArticleI wanted to feel the desert
“The beauty of the desert is found in its cruelty.” We popped open a couple just as we hit the dirt road. The Subaru was moving as we sped toward a place that was to be our jumping-off point for the...
View ArticleThoughts from a “Lost” Canyon
Lost is just another word for changed. I first walked up this canyon 26 years ago. It was my first “real” backpacking trip. We had done a shakedown trip a few weeks earlier, but that was us just...
View ArticleTen on Zen – 2022
Do Unnecessary Shit Sometimes, you just need to feel like you did something, like rip your legs off and self-flagellate with them, something. For the past three years, the Alliance has been feeling...
View ArticleUnfuckingnecessary aka the Ultracruise
Where are you headed? I place my foot about 18 inches above the other one, step, slide back past where I started. I push the bike back up to where it was, grab both brakes and attempt to move forward...
View ArticleIt was golden
I can hear Bro Meinkey stirring and I know that means it’s about time. Time to pull myself out of my warm cocoon and put on wet, cold clothes and hike through the darkness. It’s a time of contrasts....
View ArticleStuck
There was a tension growing that had to be continuously checked, swallowed back into the pit of my gut and left there. It swelled up every time I looked at a watch or thought about what day it was. It...
View ArticleRetro Grouch Ery
I know this is going to be a gigglefest. I throw my leg over the top tube with a stupid, giant grin on my face. The singletrack leading out from my front wheel is mostly smooth but has plenty of rocks...
View ArticleEscape Routes
There is no way for me to know for sure, but it sure looked like an escape route to me. The desert varnish had 4 or 5 steps carved into its near-vertical wall. This gave access to a strip of sandstone...
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